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Main Festivals of Sikkim

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Posted on: Friday, 21 August 2020

The main festivals of Sikkim celebrate new year, harvest, nature. Important festivals are Losar, Saga Dawa, Pang Lhabsol,International Flower Festival, Lossong.

The main festivals celebrated in Sikkim are to celebrate the new year, harvest festival, and nature. Few important festivals amongst the various festivals observed and celebrated in Sikkim are Losar, Saga Dawa, Pang Lhabsol, International Flower Festival, Lossong, or Sonam Losar.

Losar is the Tibetan New year showcases traditional and beautiful dance, held in the month of February.

International flower festival observed in the month of May showing their respect towards nature. The colorful display of the intoxicating fragrance of so many flowers mingling will definitely soothe your soul.

Losoong or the Sonam Losar is the farmer's new year to celebrate their bountiful harvest where lama dances.

Pang Lhabsol is a unique festival that celebrates nature. Generally falls in the seventh month of their calendar and in English calendar it comes in August and all celebrations are surrounding the world's 3rd highest peak Kanchenjunga. In addition, this festival honors the treaty between Lepcha and Bhutia in which all the deities are welcomed to witness the occasion.

Saga Dawa, the triple celebration of the three stages of Buddha's - Birth, Enlightenment, and attaining Nirvana, is the biggest celebration of Sikkim. It falls on the 4th month of the lunar calendar of the Buddhists and typically it falls between the end of May and the beginning of June.

This is the time when all over India Buddha Purnima is celebrated. You should not miss the festivals of Sikkim as mentioned above.

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